

Just a quick note to let you know I've moved my blog to the following address:

Please visit me at REDEEMED...RESTORED...RELEASED: One Woman's Story of Living Free to read more about what God is doing in my life and how He is working those things to set me free. Thanks so much for following, visiting, reading all about it and supporting me as you have done so many times these last few years. If you follow my other blogs, the posts from all three of my blogs are going to be transferred to the new digs for one big blog about our journey to restoration and freedom in Christ.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Weighing the Word: Posting Guidelines

Posting Guidelines for tomorrow.
(These are guidelines, not hard fast rules. Follow the Lord's Direction and share as He leads you. These are just helpful boundaries to keep us on point.) Remember! No Definitions, Commentary or Teacher quotes... Just what you got from your readings.

1. What translations did you read from this week?

2. Share insights and observations from John One.

3. Share about how reading the chapter daily helped you and what you noticed about the process of repetition.

4. Highlight how God has spoken specifically to you through this chapter.

5. If you are a blogger, post a link to your Weighing the Word Post in Mr. Linky at the bottom of my post so others can read your observations. Add the Weighing the Word HTML script to your post to link back here.

6. If you don't have a blog, leave your observations and insights in a comment on this blog. Be sure to visit the other bloggers who are participating and read the comments.

Be blessed and thank you for joining me as we weigh the WORD.

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